Monday, February 28, 2011

oh, you stinker.

The difficulty of life is in choice. - George Moore

Dear Mr. Moore, I completely agree.

Lately, I've been studying and mediating on Proverbs 16. Why? Because I have so many life-alterning decisions to make in what seems to be such a small amount of time. What should I do this summer? What about school in the fall? And what should I do for spring break?? (I know that last one seems silly compared to the others, but honestly, too many cool choices to choose from).
Proverbs 16:3-4 says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will suceed. The Lord works out everything for His own ends- even the wicked for a day of diaster." So, i know that as long as Im following the Lord and walking in relationship with Him, God is going to work everything out for His own good and the good of the Kingdom. But, theres still decisions that have to be made. I cant just sit around and not do nothing. I have to take action, just as I have to take action in walking out my faith and walking in relationship with God each and everyday. I want to make the best decision and plan that will bring the most glory to my Lord Jesus Christ. And its tough to make a plan for your life without the help of God...I mean, I know I cant make the best descisions by myself. It's human nature to be selfish and not choose the choice that is best for the good of the Lord.
Its scary knowing the pros and cons about each and every descision that lies ahead of me.. But weighing out the pros and cons, listening to wisely counsel, staying grounded in the Word of God & prayer, and time is exactly what is best when I, and anyone else, am up against major decisions. aoy. it can be stressful, but take complete confidence that whatever happens, whatever decision that is made, will, in the end, work out for God's good.
Proverbs 16:9, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ill treasure what exactly?????

sooooo, this is my first blog...first post. no need to explain what ill be blogging about because thats in my about lets just jump into one of my many thoughts of the day.
do you ever just mediate on the lyrics of the song you're singing? or that your church is singing during worship? i do. i wanna make sure im not just singing something because everyone else is, or doing the 'proper' thing to do during a church worship time. i want to actually know the meaning of what im sing because according to Proverbs 18:21, "the tongue has the power of life and death" and i wanna make sure whatever im saying (or singning) is definitely not bringing death. so how can you know the true meaning unless you do some mediation and research??? soooo, yeah, thats exactly what i did....
during chapel worship today, the lyrics "ill treasure Your grace as You died for me" really stuck out to me. how do you treasure grace? what exactly is grace? and how can i treasure the grace of Christ in my own life?
Reading all the many definitions of grace on, majority of definitions (whether you use it as a noun or verb) mean to have favor (favor comes out of good will) Also, the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. 
the definition of treasure is anything or person greatly valued or highly prized,
to retain carefully or keep in store, as in the mind. to regard or treat as precious; cherish, put away for security or future use. So the first part of the line is saying, "ill value, cherish, and find security in the favor that Christ has for me."
"as You died for me".....hmmmm, John 3:16 right? well, yes, of couse thats it. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son," (out of His goodwill and favor) "that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." so because God loved (and still loves) us, He sent His Son to die a criminal's death out of His own goodwill and kindness. 
so, when singing this line, im telling God, "ill highly value and cherish Your favor that You have given me, and ill find my security in the goodwill of Your heart, because out of the kindness of Your heart, You died for me."
pretty awesome to really think about. i want that to be the thing i do everyday, to highly value and cherish the favor that God has shown me, the favor that has made me clean of all impurities, that has washed me white as snow, and has given me the security to know that i can walk with God truly believing that He is my strength and that God has regenerated me into a new nature so i dont continually live in a hibitual lifestyle of sin.
ahhhh, very grateful to know that i have the favor of God!!