Friday, April 22, 2011

Day dreaming???

hi guys! it's been 2 months since the last time I posted a blog, so I figured that it's about time for me to post again. Also, I figured that I could share with you guys some things that have been on my heart and mind recently, as encouragement to myself and others.
Have you ever just sat down, closed your eyes, and dreamed about your entire life? Maybe you've dreamed about a gorgeous home, with an adorable family, and great relationship with your community. I mean honestly, that's everyones desire when their little, and it still doesn't sound so bad now that you're older. But what are the others things you see? what goals and accomplishments do you see yourself achieving? Do you see yourself doing the things that your heart desires??
When I close my eyes and imagine my life, I see myself serving people from all corners of the earth, traveling, speaking to crowds of all ages the testimony of the Cross. I also see myself pouring love out on individuals with special needs and mentoring little children and young teens.
Now, some people may hear one part of my dream and say that I want to be a missionary or evangelist, others may assume that I want to be a childrens/youth minister, or a school teacher. And those accusations are true. I want to be and do all of those things. Depending on who Im talking with,depends on what part of my dream I share with them. Reason being, I don't want people to look down on me with disappointment or discouragement. But, for the most part, that's exactly what I get no matter what part of my dream I share. When I share with individuals who are not a part of the Church or are not Kingdom minded, my desire to be a missionary/evangelist/minister, they give me the look, and sometimes words, of disappointment because Im not fulfilling the American Dream. But when I share with people of the Church, Christians, they give me the same look and words of disappointment because I shared with them that I am majoring in education. And, if I share my entire dream, discouragement is quickly cast because it seems almost impossible to accomplish all those things in one life-span or that I need to choose one or the other. aoyyyyyy!! it gets tough, and it'll bring you to the point where you just want to give up on your dream altogether and go an entirely different direction that would be easier.  
But that is NOT what God has called us to do! The Lord has put those desires in our heart for a purpose. We should not be ashamed of our dreams! I just want to share encouragement with you, that you CAN acheive your dreams, your heart's desires! Jesus says in Matthew 19:26 that WITH GOD all things are possible. It all depends on where you find your strength. If you're depending on your own strength to accomplish your dreams, then you may fulfill them, but your dreams will not be fulfilled to the magnitude of what God had planned them to be. But when you solely depend on the strength and power of God, daily trusting that He will guide you along the right paths to bring glory to His name, not only will your heart's desires be fulfilled, but essentially, the Great Commission will also be fulfilled.
So take courage my friends! Put a smile on, knowing that with God, you can acheive far more then anyone can ever imagine : )
Psalm 37:4-5: Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.